Changing Light – A Collection of Five Toques

Changing Light – A Collection of Five Toques

Oh boy, I’m so excited to release this baby into the world!

Changing Light is a collection of five colourwork toques, available today. Some of these I’ve been literally working on for years, so it’s been very gratifying to get these babies ready and released.

Changing Light refers to the way the sunlight changes through the autumn into winter, something that is so striking to us in the more northern or southern latitudes. Many knitters cite autumn as their favourite holiday. Some aspects of it I love: pulling out my hand knit sweaters, Halloween (my favourite holiday), crisp mornings. But I miss summers terribly in our long, cold winters here in the prairies, so I need to mourn the passing of summer a bit as well.

The five patterns included are Briony, Ninepatch, Ohio Star, Aetna, and Sólas. Click the pictures below to be taken to each of their pages for more information:

These toques bring some much needed life and colour to the deepest winter nights, and I hope you enjoy knitting them as much as I enjoyed making them.

These patterns are available all singly, or as an ebook on Ravelry (at a significant discount if purchased that way). As a bit of a celebration on finally getting them out into the world, all single patterns are 25% off until Monday, October 23rd.

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